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  • This Essay Is a Recapitulation and Meta-analysis of Two Essays Appertaining to Pedagogical Ideologies and the Methodologies that Are Concomitant to Them


    Esszék2 Pedagógia

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994 Ft
180 Ft
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814 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 02.11.2002.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Imperialistic and hegemonic pursuits have been manifest from the nascent stages of human development, allowing some to enjoy unprecedented autonomy and self-constructed apotheoses (Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte might be examples) while forcing others into supplication and bondage, enervated lickspittles who are forced to either acquiesce to the Procrustean dictates of their oppressors or suffer adverse repercussions as equality and equanimity are defenestrated (if they are lucky) or, at worst, their salubrious visages turn sallow as the misanthropic malefactors divest them of their corporeal existence, leaving a concatenation of sanguinary bodies, myriad dreams and expectations stanched, as the oppressors continue on the road to genocide. While the development of most power structures (and the societal bifurcation of equality and inequality and the internecine struggles that are usually, but not categorically, concomitant to them) is not as overtly and violently exemplified as in the foregoing example, social stratification is often achieved clandestinely as brute force is superseded by the serpentine wiles and cognitive legerdemain of the disingenuous as they use lies, half-truths, and inflammatory appeals to prey upon the ignorance and prejudices of the people - they are power-hungry and elitist demagogues who use ideology to create that incontrovertible sooth called history.…

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