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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 27.05.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Marijuana is a problem in today's society because of marijuana related crimes. The police force is over worked, the taxpayers are spending extreme amounts of money to house these so called prisoners, and the government is losing money on marijuana prevention programs. Thus far we have three options on how to deal with marijuana, legalize it, allow it to be used only for prescription drug purposes, or keep it illegal. There are numerous benefits in legalizing marijuana such as the medical treatment it offers, reducing over crowding in prison, it will eliminate the black market sales and other crimes related to the illegal sale of marijuana, and the amount of money that the government can make off of the growing and selling of marijuana is substantial. On the flip side of things, many people feel that marijuana should remain illegal. They believe that marijuana is a 'gate-way' drug, that the physical side effects are too great, and that it is harmful to the body. It is only through examination that we begin to realize the beneficial qualities this plant has to offer. The government will profit in many ways by legalizing marijuana.…

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