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Kiadva: 03.01.2013.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Irodalom: 10 egység
Referenciák: Használatban

The fall of morality values within the lapse of time can be caused by the most different factors, for example, permissiveness that is so typical nowadays. Individual does not cognize morality values anymore, because there is no strictly executed regulation, which would define the borders (Morrison, 1995:149-150).
The society’s value and consciousness must be balanced the same way like individual freedom cannot be just a product of regulations. Justice towards oneself and towards the society must exist, because this is what the nature does. If it is so, no conflicts and abnormalities will appear. The society recognizes itself as united, having justice; herewith individual feels responsibility towards the society as its full-fledged member. Only this way labor division can function and develop without causing conflicts and complications.
Durkheim has examined the society from all the possible horizons in his book “The Division of Labor in Society”. In the beginning the author sets forth the general significance and basic principles of labor division according to the individual and its role in this process. Further on, getting deeper in the problems’ specific nature, details, which are often not taken into consideration are revealed, however, they are very important. Durkheim has managed to reveal positive and negative sides of the society during the process of labor division. Labor division develops with the civilization; the more developed the society is, the more developed its labor division principle is. It includes both individual’s primary actions and instincts, and needs and unlimited possibilities. It depends on the stage of labor division development, which is divided into mechanical and organic. Mechanical solidarity used to dominate in the archaic society, in its turn, organic solidarity is typical for the modern society. The society is a definite intellect body, which has its own needs, as well as requirements, which should be performed according to specific rules. All society in general has been developed from small individual components, which have changed each other with the lapse of time.

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