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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

All organisations have culture. The organisational culture is a system of shared meaning and beliefs within an organisation that determines, in a large degree, how employee's act(Robbins, SP. 2003,70). The function of the organizational culture is to manage and control how employee should behave. The definition of culture infers, the first is perception. The individual hear what is the culture in their organisation and recognize the culture on the foundation of what they had been heard or seen from the organisation. Second is that even all the individual are from different background and work in the different level but they still see and think about the culture of their organisation in the same/similar terms. And, the last is that organisational culture concerned about how individual feel or make sense in the organisation not whether they like it. The organizational culture itself comes from stories (organisational stories typically contain a narrative or significant events or people that portray the unique culture), such as the organisation's founder stories. Beside that, organizational cultures can also comes from rituals (repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values, important goals and important people). The example of rituals are ceremonies, material symbols (material symbols include the layout of the facilities, dress code, elegance of office furnishing and other observable (tangible) items). Last, organizational culture can comes from language (special and unique term, jargon and acronyms that are related to an organisation's business, with the language can make the employee or all the person in the company can accept the culture, and can do well the culture)(Robbins, SP. 2003,96). The function of organizational culture is to help us make sense of things, to create communication shortcuts and to know how to behave in the organisation.…

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