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Kiadva: 08.06.2004.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

I find Margaret Mead to be a very interesting person. Much of the work that she has done was new to the field of social sciences at her time. At a time in American culture where women usually stayed home Mead traveled around the world to link cultures together. "She believed it was important to create a link between anthropology and other fields of science." (Snider). Much of the information that she provided is still used today. Her studies of American Samoa and New Guinea helped the world understand other cultures by sharing information about each cultures demands and expectations. She was the first to look at human development in a cross-cultural perspective, thus sharing with the world new cultures. While some may have thought her work as scandalous, going as far as calling her book Coming of Age in Somoa, a sexbook, Mead's most important role was as an interpreter of world events and trends to the American people. (Flaherty). The work that she did is not only something to treasure, but a remarkable achievement for women as well as for anthropology.…

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