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1 026 Ft
111 Ft
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915 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 26.05.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Even though, the distance between Japan and Germany is a quarter the equatorial length, the economic development these both countries experienced similarities, but, of course, differences as well. Main similarities lay into the fact that both countries industrialized late, so they were not the pioneers of the process, that made them use the previous experience is its best possible way, namely, to become two of the world’s leading countries in many economic aspects. Both of the countries had some problems in pre-conditions towards the industrialization – Germany had to unify in to one state, but Japan had to step over the Eastern ideology to make a successful approach to the experience of Western industrialization. Differences mainly lay in to the fact, that Japan was the pioneer of the industrialization in Asian region, but Germany was surrounded by more developed countries, which made the process of industrialization little less complicated. Japan’s motive to industrialize was fear to become colonized, but for Germany there were political motives. Colonies Japan used as a source for resources they lacked, not for as new markets as Germany did, however, Japan did very well in terms of export, but for Germany export was one of the problem-questions.…

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