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Kiadva: 23.10.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

What kind of influence on children could strike the same sexs parents families? Society has faced a homosexuality since ancient Greece times till nowadays. Through different times attitude to homosexuality has changed. Today in conditions of democracy in the abstract society has attitudinized and acknowledged homosexuality, but practically there are opposite views and attitude to this sexual minority. Nowadays homosexual people has land their authority so far, that many states has already accepted marriage between too homosexual people and much more, for example, in Netherlands gay people are allowed to adopt children. We can look at this fact from more than too sides, but because there is not only one scientific view about what is the cause of homosexuality, we will discuss this problem without probing in every possible versions. If homosexual pairs will be allowed to adopt children there will wane a number of children in childrens homes, but actual is the subject what kind – homosexual or heterosexual – will be these childrens sexual orientation, if their socialization will take a place in two mothers or two fathers family.
In all societies about 90% of people are heterosexual and 5-10% -- homosexual. As homosexual people biological are not capable to raise up seed, they have find a alternative variant -- childrens adoption. Heterosexual people are not interested in childrens adoption, because they can produce their own children (of course, with some exceptions), so the heterosexual pairs are majority what are going to ask for drops. Adoptee has more bigger up growths facilities than children at childrens homes. If child has family he also has got material support, bigger educations facilities and certainly something what we all need – family and love.

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