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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 17.02.2010.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Every one of us has one or more talents; however some of us pretty often try to deny this gift, which is very special exactly for you. Why special? Because of help of this talent you can make your life better, easier to live in. What is more, if you have an ability to write, in some way you have a real chance to change the world. I chose the work „Why I write” written by George Orwell, because I think that every person in some age writes something. It is not important whether you write a little poem, an article for some magazine or you write a great book that will be world – famous. I think that the most important thing is your feelings during this process, your ability to use your imagination in order to create whatever you want.
In the first paragraph of this work George Orwell describes his feelings – he apprehended that he has ability to write, although there was a moment when he had tried to abandon this idea. Personally I consider that if a person has some talent, but throughout his life he does not pay attention to it, the talent will remind about itself sooner or later. For example, a person in his life have a simply job, but in the evenings he writes a diary. There appears all – his feelings, thoughts, opinions, emotions, imagination world. Maybe he doesn’t aware his ability to write, he just write for himself.…

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