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1 401 Ft
181 Ft
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1 220 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 01.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

As any manager, or owner, would tell you the best possible type of employee or action an employee can portray is that of self empowerment. First off, it makes the managers job that much easier. The manager doesn't have to force that type of employee to work or strive to be better. Secondly, the actions are often contagious and other employees begin to empower themselves as well. This is always good for the employer. These reasons are from the perspective of the employer.
As an employee, it is better to be this type of person because self empowerment is a great feeling. It gives you a feeling of self worth and a feeling of accomplishment. Acting in a self empowering way makes an employee feel that he or she holds meaning within his or her job. Self empowerment is a positive aspect for the employee and the company. The feeling/action is contagious, so knowing that you are the cause for other employees to be more productive and make the workplace more enjoyable, it makes you feel better as a person.
A person who is not motivated and needs a manager to get him to work is not a valuable asset to the company and can easily be replaced. …

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