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867 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 06.06.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

For this analysis I have chose two companies who work in the animation and movie business – two giants – Disney and Pixar, who are not competitors nevertheless. Both companies focus on creativity rather than production volumes, meaning, the people working in these companies have to really put all their efforts into creating something worthy of the company name. In Disney and Pixar, there are no routine tasks.
Let us look at the “Career” sections of both companies. It is actually named “Jobs at Pixar” on the official website of Pixar company. The main similarity in the approach of the two companies is that it is brand-based. The titles “Jobs at Pixar” and “Discover the opportunity to join the Disney team” speak for themselves. Positions open in these companies are marketed (and to the joy of the HR divisions – perceived!) as something more than “a job” – “A job at Pixar” or “joining the Disney team” have a broader meaning. If you join one of the giants, you are mainly not an animator, a programmer, a writer, you’re primarily a member of “the big family”. It is very important for the company to make any member of the team feel the culture of the company, know the mission statement, accept the values and the overall strategy, feel comfortable. All of these factors are taken into account already on the first steps of acquaintance with the workers – at the point when a potential applicant decides to explore the career possibilities at Pixar and Disney. …

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