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eKönyvtár könyvtár
Különleges ajánlatok 2 Megnyitás

Ma kedvezménnyel!

Normál ár:
1 445 Ft
157 Ft
Kedvezményes ár*:
1 287 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 06.12.1996.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

This being my senior project I wanted to look at a topic that I found interesting. Even though I find most topics in the fields interesting, none catch my attention better than natural disasters. I have always found disasters intriguing and have wanted to know more about them. The disaster that I found most interesting were Hurricanes. The thought of those storms with their power gives me the chills. Ever since I was in the middle of Hurricane Bob when I was vacationing with my family off the coast of Virginia and we were asked by the state police to evacuate our house, I wanted to learn more about hurricanes. Since that I have been able to take classes that enabled me to learn more about hurricanes. That is why I have decided to take the focus of my paper towards hurricanes. Furthermore, I am going to look at the economical affects that hurricanes have on the United States. There are many reasons why I chose to use this variable. The main reason is I couldn't think of another topic that fit into everyone's lives and had an effect on everyone.
The hurricane year is broken up into two seasons. They are referred to as early season and late season. The early season starts June first and runs to September 10. The late season starts on September 10 and runs to the end of November.

REMEK AJÁNLAT csomagban történő vásárlás az Ön megtakarításai −1 577 Ft
Munkacsomag, munkacsomagszám: 1251012
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