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Normál ár:
998 Ft
108 Ft
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890 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 11.08.2005.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

The need for computer education and access is not a luxury anymore: it’s a necessity. People from all lifestyles can benefit from the Internet. When my parents were kids, technology was big and bulky; computers took up whole rooms. When personal computers were first available, they had low memory and were confined to simple tasks. Now, almost everyone has a computer. The Internet is a vast. In the future, I think we will be even more dependent on technology. Computers will be smaller, faster and better. In education, technology is changing with new computers and automatic test correctors. Computers help by giving student assignments, or testing, or teaching students how to work with different programs. In medicine, computers can help doctors research, find new cures and keep track of their medicine. Without computers at school, we would not be able to prepare for our future. We would be disadvantaged compared to other people who had computers. Without computers, it would be hard to work on some assignments at school and work. There would be no flights out of the country, no banks (temporarily), etc. Most home businesses would shut down. Without computers, we would been in big trouble. Computers are well worth the money because they are preparing students for technically advanced future and that makes everyone's lives a lot easier. Some disadvantages to new technology in a workplace is that it is taking away jobs for people because they are finding other ways of doing things. People start relying so much on technology that they don’t know what to do when things go wrong.…

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