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1 593 Ft
272 Ft
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1 322 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 07.01.2003.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

1. In what ways can the phrase ''nation state'' are rendered more meaningful in the contemporary world of politics.
The institutions of the nation state represent an amalgam of two entities: the state as a set of political institutions, and the nations, conceived of as the political community of the people. As we can see, nation states are based on cultural, social, political, language etc. similarities. But at the last time, the process of globalisation started all around the world. This process orders us to look over this definition, because many other things are necessary to speak about nation state.
If we speak about nation state, every of us speak about nationalism. But it's hard to make some borders between nations and nation state. For example Balkans, Central Asia, Latin America is a region where people with simple language, religion, culture live in many nation states. Globalisation is process, which try to unit these states in ''one nation state'' where many nations can live. In this meaning we can speak about nation state as uniting body, and its very perfect. On the other hand there are some problems, which arise with meaning of nation state in process of globalisation.
Firstly we must speak about economical situation. Political theorist Eric Hobshawn said that nation state is most suitable political framework for the development of modern capitalism and economy. Its mean, that not only political and social thing represents nation state. Capitalist institutions need state to realise their plans. In this way we can say, that nation state can be rendered as fixed territory which is necessary for capitalist to realise their plans.
Secondly we must speak about religion. If we know, religion is one of the major things that characterise nation state. But we can't forget about religious law, which are very important for such religions like Islam.

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