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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 07.04.2021.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Főiskola/egyetem
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

There is a vast amount of war heroes, and I’m not refearring to the soldiers who have been rewarded with military honor medals. I’m talking about the millions of soldiers who have died fighting, who have conquered their fear, pushed themselves to the absolute limit and even beyond. These people will never receive the ultimate achievement of living the hero life themselves. They live in the memories of their loved ones, they are honored and rescpected. This March is the first month in more than a decade when no U.S. troops have dien in Iraq. Just think about how many casualities it is, even if only a person dies per month. You do the math, it’s still a lot.
Steve, Marc, Anna, and millions of other heroes stand or, unfortunately, have stood, between us. They are only some of the people who have received credit for battling their whole lives. The real battles that matter to ourselves are fought inside our minds and don’t receive credit. That’s why it is so utterly hard not to give up on one’s dreams. No one will notice unless you’ve achieved it. Life is not fair, but that’s why it is so interesting, because the strongest one survives. You may argue about it, but deep inside you know it’s true. Mostly, because only when you stand up for yourslef and start steering your life in the direction you want, only then you start to feel alive.

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