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  • Analysis of an Extract of "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens


    Esszék2 Irodalom

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998 Ft
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830 Ft
Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 27.06.2011.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

“Bleak House” is a novel by Charles Dickens. Under the analysis is an extract of the novel, which describes Lady Dedlock and her home. The main characters in this extract are Lady Dedlock and her husband Sir Leicester Dedlock, however, the most impressive part in this extract is taken by the description of the nature. This fragment reflects the contemplations of Lady Dedlock, which in a way are synchronized with the background and the description of the surroundings. Also the character portrayal of Sir Leicester takes part in the extract.
“Bleak House” is a third-person narration, the narrator is omniscient. Interesting pattern of this text is that it is narrated in the present tense, thus creating a feeling of observation in a manner that is similar to capturing a panorama in a film. It seems as if narrator’s mood is changing – it can be persuasive (especially in the first paragraphs), witty (for example, when describing Sir Leicester – “He would on the whole admit Nature to be a good idea (a little low, perhaps, when not enclosed with a park fence)...”). …

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