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Hozzáadás Kívánságlista
Kiadva: 25.01.2006.
Nyelv : Angol
Szint: Középiskola
Referenciák: Nincs használatban

Having analysis the legal social and economic impact of eBusiness it is apparent that eBusiness is here to stay. eBusiness has become an integral part of the modern day business. Even mature businesses have had to make the switch over to the modern electronic world or risk being left behind. eBusiness can start off as simple as having a website for selling products but it can also stretch far beyond that through to complex electronic supply-chain and inventory management systems. Many companies have becoming over-night success through the efficient use of eBusiness. However as was demonstrated when the dot com bubble burst back in 2000, having an internet business is not sufficient. The key is still to follow the basic rules of business. The seller must have a good product and a target consumer base who are willing to buy it. Without consumers, ebusiness is nothing more than a collection of computer software and hardware.
While the technology to implement eBusiness is developing rapidly, with advances in wireless technologies and high-speed Internet, it is the social and legal issues, which are likely to cause the most problems. Operating on a global basis through the Internet creates major legal loopholes, which are a challenge for government to regulate. …

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